ICAO AIM Data Catalogue

All properties and sub-properties of :

Runway Direction

Number of rows: 63
Property Sub-Property ID Type Description Note Reference Accuracy Integrity Origin type Pub. Resolution Chart Resolution
Designator83TextThe full textual designator of the landing and take-off direction. Examples: 27, 35L, 01R.AIP AD 2.12.1; Annex 4 3.6 b) 6.4 13.6.1 d; Annex 14 I 2.5.1 a)
True bearing84BearingThe true bearing of the runway.AIP AD 2.12.2; Annex 14 I 2.5.1 a)1/100 degroutinesurveyed1/100 degree1 degree
Type85TextType of runway: precision (CAT I, II, III) / non-precision / non-instrumentAIP AD 1.1, AIP AD 2.14; Annex 14 I 2.5.1 a)
ThresholdElevation143ElevationElevation of the runway thresholdThreshold elevation for runways with non-precision approaches / Threshold elevation for runways with precision approacheAIP AD 2.12.6; Annex 4 13.6.1 c); Annex 14 I 2.3.2 / m / 0.25 messential / criticalsurveyed / surveyed1 m or 1 ft / 0.1 m or 0.1 ft1 m or 1 ft / 0.5 m or 1 ft
Geoid undulation144HeightWGS-84 Geoid undulation at runway threshold positionWGS-84 geoid undulation at runway threshold, non-precision approaches \nWGS-84 geoid undulation at runway threshold, precision approachesAIP AD 2.12.5; Annex 4 13.6.1 c); Annex 14 I 2.3.2 / m 0.25 messential \ncriticalsurveyed \nsurveyed1 m or 1 ft \n0.1 m or 0.1 ft1 m or 1 ft \n0.5 m or 1 ft
Displacement146DistanceDistance of displaced thresholdIf displaced thresholdAIP AD 2.12.14; Annex 4 13.6.1 d)1 mroutinesurveyed1 m or 1 ft
Type145TextThe indication if the threshold is displaced/ not displaced. A displaced threshold is not located at the extremity of a runway.AIP AD 2.12.14; Annex 4 13.6.1 d)
Position142PointGeographical location for runway thresholdAIP AD 2.12.5; Annex 4 13.6.1 f); Annex 14 I 2.5.21 mcriticalsurveyed1/100 sec1 sec
Runway endPosition147PointLocation of the runway end in the direction of departureAIP AD 2.12.5; Annex 14 I App 5 A5-11 mcriticalsurveyed1/100 sec1 sec
Elevation148ElevationElevation of the end postion of the runwayElevation of the runway end and any significant high and low intermediate points along the runway for non-precision approaches / Elevation of the runway end and the highest elevation of the touchdown zone for precision approach runwaysAnnex 4 b); Annex 14 I 2.3.2 / m ot 1 ft / 0.25 m or 1 ft
Departure end of runwayPosition149PointGeographical location of DERBeginning of departure procedureDoc 8168 II I.
Elevation150ElevationThe elevation of DER is the elevation of the end of the runway or the elevation of the end of the clearway, whichever is higher.Beginning of departure procedureDoc 8168 II I.
Touchdown zoneElevation151ElevationHighest elevation of the touchdown zone of a precision approach runwayprecision approach RWYAIP AD 2.12.6; Annex 4 13.6.1 b); Annex 14 I m or 1 ft
Slope152ValueThe slope of the runway touchdown zoneAMDB
Slope90ValueSlope of the runwayAIP AD 2.12.7; Annex 14 I 2.5.1 a)
LAHSOGeometry153LineGeographical location of Land and Hold Short Operations (LAHSO)AMDB
Protected element154TextName of runway or taxiway being protectedAMDB
Displaced areaSurface type157TextThe surface type of the displaced areaAMDB
PCN156TextPavement classification number of the displaced areaAMDB
Geometry155PolygonGeographical location of the displaced areaAMDB
Aircraft restriction158TextUsage restriction for specific aircraft typeAMDB
StopwayWidth160DistanceWidth of the stopwayAIP AD 2.12.8; Annex 4 4.9.1 h) c); Annex 14 I 2.5.1 b)1 mcriticalsurveyed1 m or 1 ft1 m
Geometry161PolygonGeographical location of the stopwayAnnex 4 4.9.1 g) b) 13.6.1 d); AMDB
Slope162ValueSlope of stopwayAIP AD 2.12.7
Length159DistanceThe longitudinal extent of stopwayif anyAIP AD 2.12.8; Annex 4 4.9.1 h) c); Annex 14 I 2.5.1 b)1 mcriticalsurveyed1 m or 1 ft1 m
Surface type163TextThe surface type of the stopwayAIP AD 2.12.4; Annex 4 d); Annex 14 I 2.5.1 b)
ClearwayLength164DistanceThe longitudinal extent of the clearwayAIP AD 2.12.9; Annex 4 4.9.1 j) c); Annex 14 I 2.5.1 f)1 messentialsurveyed1 m or 1 ft
Ground profile166The vertical profile (or slope) of the clearwayif anyAnnex 14 I 2.5.1 f)
Width165DistanceThe transversal extent of the clearwayAIP AD 2.12.9; Annex 4 4.9.1 j) c); Annex 14 I App 5 Table A5-51 messentialsurveyed1 m or 1 ft
RESATransverse slope170ValueTranverse slope Runway End Safety AreaAnnex 14 I 3.5.11
Length167DistanceThe longitudinal extent of Runway End Safety AreaAIP AD 2.12.11; Annex 4 13.6.2 d); Annex 14 I 2.5. b)
Width168DistanceThe transversal extent of the Runway End Safety AreaAIP AD 2.12.11; Annex 4 13.6.2 d); Annex 14 I 2.5. b)
Longitudinal slope169ValueLongitudinal slope of Runway End Safety AreaAnnex 14 I 3.5.10
Declared distancesTODA172DistanceTake-off distance available - The length of the take-off run available plus the length of the clearway, if\nprovided.AIP AD 2.13; Annex 4 3.8.3 g); Annex 14 I 2.81 mcriticalsurveyed1 m or 1 ft1 m
Remarks176TextRemarks including runway entry or start point where alternative reduced declared distances have been declaredAIP AD 2.13.6
ASDA174DistanceAccelerate-stop distance available - The length of the take-off run available plus the length of the stopway, if\nprovided.AIP AD 2.13; Annex 4 3.8.3 g); Annex 14 I 2.81 mcriticalsurveyed1 m or 1 ft1 m
TORA171DistanceTake-off run available - The length of runway declared available and suitable for the ground run of an\naeroplane taking off.AIP AD 2.13; Annex 4 3.8.3 g); Annex 14 I 2.81 mcriticalsurveyed1 m or 1 ft1 m
LDA175DistanceLanding distance available - The length of runway which is declared available and suitable for the ground run\nof an aeroplane landing.AIP AD 2.13; Annex 4 3.8.3 g); Annex 14 I 2.81 mcriticalsurveyed1 m or 1 ft1 m
RWY End LGTPosition178PointGeographical location of each individual light of the runway end lightsAnnex 4 13.6.1 m); AMDB
Colour177TextColour of runway end lightsAIP AD 2.14.8; Annex 14 I 2.5.1.g)
SWY LGTColour180TextColour of stopway lightsAIP AD 2.14.9; Annex 14 I 2.5.1.g
Position181PointGeographical location of each individual light of the stopway lightsAnnex 4 13.6.1 m); AMDB
Length179DistanceThe longitudinal extent of stopway lightsAIP AD 2.14.9; Annex 14 I 2.5.1.g
Approach lighting systemIntensity184TextA code indicating the relative intensity of the lighting system.AIP AD 2.14.2; Annex 14 I 2.5.1.g)
Type182TextClassification of the approach lighting system using as criteria the ICAO Annex 14 standardsAIP AD 2.14.2; Annex 14 I 2.5.1.g)
Length183DistanceThe longitudinal extent of approach lighting system.AIP AD 2.14.2; Annex 14 I 2.5.1.g)
Position185PointGeographical location of each individual light of the approach lighting systemAnnex 4 13.6.1 m); AMDB
RWY threshold lightsPosition188PointGeographical location of each individual light of the threshold and wing bar lightsAnnex 4 13.6.1 m); AMDB
Wing bar colour187TextColour of runway threshold wing barsAIP AD 2.14.3; Annex 14 I 2.5.1.g)
Colour186TextColour of runway threshold lightsAIP AD 2.14.3; Annex 14 I 2.5.1.g)
Touchdown zone lightsLength189DistanceThe longitudinal extent of the runway touchdown zone lightsAIP AD 2.14.5; Annex 14 I 2.5.1.g)
Position190PointGeographical location of each individual light of the touchdown zone lightsAnnex 4 13.6.1 m); AMDB
Visual approach slope indicator systemPosition192PointGeographical location of Visual approach slope indicator systemAIP AD 2.14.4; Annex 4 13.6.1 n)
Displacement angle195AngleWhere the axis of the system is not parallel to the runway centre line, the angle of displacemenAIP AD 2.14.4; Annex 14 I 2.12
MEHT191HeightMinimum Eye Height over the ThresholdAIP AD 2.14.4; Annex 14 I 2.12
Angle193AngleNominal approach slope angle(s)AIP AD 2.14.4; Annex 14 I 2.12
Displacement direction196TextWhere the axis of the system is not parallel to the runway centre line, the direction of displacement, i.e. left or rightAIP AD 2.14.4; Annex 14 I 2.12
Type194TextType of VGSI (VASI, PAPI etc.)AIP AD 2.14.4; Annex 14 I 2.12
Arresting gear103LineGeographical location of the aresting gear cable across the runwayAMDB
Arresting systemSetback198DistanceSetback of the arresting systemAIP AD 2.12.12; AMDB
Length199DistanceThe longitudinal extent of arresting systemAIP AD 2.12.12; AMDB
Width200DistanceThe transverse extent of arresting systemAIP AD 2.12.12; AMDB
Geometry197PolygonThe geographical location of the arresting systemAMDB
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