ICAO AIM Data Catalogue

For more information, refer to ICAO Data Sets Coding Guidelines in AIXM 5.1/5.1.1 format on aixm.aero.

The coding guidelines have been initially developed by EUROCONTROL and further maintained by the AIXM Community.


Number of rows : 59
Subject Property Sub-Property ID Type Description Note Reference AIXM5.1(1) Remarks
Radio navigation aidType548TextType of radio navigation aidDoc 10066 App 2 AIP GEN 2.5.3, AIP ENR 4.1.1, AIP AD 2.19.1; Annex 4 5.5.5 17.9.6
Identification549TextThe code assigned to uniquely identify the navaidDoc 10066 App 2 AIP GEN 2.5.1, AIP ENR 4.1.2, AIP AD 2.19.2; Annex 4 5.5.5 17.9.6 | //aixm:NavaidEquipment//aixm:designator OR //aixm:MarkerBeacon//aixm:auralMorseCode In case of enroute marker beacon the designator may be coded as identification, in case of marker used as part of an ILS rather the aural morse code will be the identification.
Name550TextThe textual name assigned to the navaid Doc 10066 App 2 AIP GEN 2.5.2, AIP ENR 4.1.1; Annex 4 5.5.5 17.9.6//aixm:Navaid//aixm:name | //aixm:NavaidEquipment//aixm:name
Purpose551Code listIndication whether navigation aid serves en-route (E), aerodrome (A) or dual (AE) purposes.Doc 10066 App 2 AIP GEN 2.5.4; Annex 4 5.5.5//aixm:Navaid//aixm:purpose
Aerodrome served552TextThe ICAO location indicator or name of the aerodromes servedDoc 10066 App 2 AIP AD 1.3.1, AIP AD 2.19; Annex 4 5.5.5//aixm:Navaid//aixm:servedAirport
Runway served556TextDesignator of the runway served Info Berz//aixm:Navaid//aixm:runwayDirection
Operating authority557TextName of the operating authority of the facilityDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 4.3.4, AIP AD 2.19.8//aixm:NavaidEquipment//aixm:authority
Type of supported ops558Code listIndication of the type of supported operation for ILS/MLS and GBASDoc 10066 App 2 AIP AD 2.19.1//aixm:Navaid//*[aixm:type=ILS]/aixm:signalPerformance, //aixm:Navaid//*[aixm:type=MLS]/aixm:signalPerformance, //aixmLocalizer//aixm:backCourseUseable The data type for Navaid/type does not provide a dedicated value for GBAS. OTHER:GBAS may be used for encoding. There is also no specialised class of NavaidEquipment for GBAS or GBAS reference point as mentioned in the PANS-AIM.
Co-location 559TextInformation that a navaid is co-located with another navaidInfo Berz; Doc 10066 App 2 AIP GEN 2.5.3, AIP ENR 4.1.1, AIP AD 2.19.1; Annex 4 5.5.5 17.9.6
Hours of operation560ScheduleThe hours of operation of the radio navigation aidDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 4.1.4, AIP AD 2.19.4; Annex 4 5.5.5//aixm:Navaid//aixm:availability/aixm:NavaidOperationalStatus/aixm:timeInterval | //aixm:NavaidEquipment//aixm:availability/aixm:NavaidOperationalStatus/aixm:timeInterval NavaidOperationalStatus equal-to Operational.
Magnetic variationAngle582AngleThe magnetic variation at the radio navigation aidILS Localizer \nNDBDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 4.1.1, AIP AD 2.19.1; Annex 4 5.5.5; Annex 14 I App 5 Table A5-3; Annex 11 App 5 Table 3//aixm:NavaidEquipment//aixm:magneticVariation | //aixm:NavaidEquipment//aixm:magneticVariationAccuracy According to PANS-AIM accuracy is only required for Localizer and NDB. In AIXM 5.1.1 it may be encoded for all kind of navaids as it is an attribute of the NavaidEquipment class.
Date583DateThe date on which the magnetic variation had the corresponding value.Doc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 4.1.1, AIP AD 2.19.1; Annex 4 5.5.5//aixm:NavaidEquipment//aixm:dateMagneticVariation
Station declination562AngleAn alignment variation of the navaid between the zero degree radial and true north, determined at the time the station is calibrated.VOR/ILS/MLSDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 4.1.1, AIP AD 2.19.1; Annex 4 5.5.5//aixm:Localizer//aixm:declination, //aixm:VOR//aixm:declination, //aixm:Azimuth//aixm:annotation The Azimuth feature used for the encoding of MLS does not have a declination attribute. It may only be encoded as Annotation to the Azimuth feature.
Zero bearing direction563TextDirection of the \"zero bearing\" provided by the station. For example: magnetic north, true northVORAIXM 5.1.1//aixm:VOR//aixm:zeroBearingDirection
Frequency564ValueFrequency or tuning frequency of the radio navigation aid Doc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 4.1.3, AIP AD 2.19.3, GEN 4.1; Annex 4 5.5.5 17.9.6//aixm:Localizer//aixm:frequency, //aixm:Glidepath//aixm:frequency, //aixm:VOR//aixm:frequency, //aixm:MarkerBeacon//aixm:frequency, //aixm:NDB//aixm:frequency, //aixm:SDF//aixm:frequency
Channel 565TextThe channel number of the radio navigation aidDMEDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 4.1.3, AIP AD 2.19.3, GEN 4.1; Annex 4 5.5.5 17.9.6; Annex 10 3 Table A//aixm:TACAN//aixm:channel, //aixm:DME//aixm:channel, //aixm:Azimuth//aixm:channel PANS-AIM only requires a channel for DME. In AIXM 5 several other specialised NavaidEquipment features provide a channel attribute.
Position566PointGeographical location of the radio navigation aidAerodrome Navaid / GBAS Ref Point / EnrouteDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 4.1.5; AIP AD 2.19.5; Annex 4 5.5.5 17.9.6; Annex 14 App 5 Table A5-1; Annex 10 Vol 1 Ch 3 App B | //aixm:Navaid//aixm:location/aixm:ElevatedPoint/aixm:horizontalAccuracy | //aixm:NavaidEquipment//aixm:location/aixm:ElevatedPoint | //aixm:NavaidEquipment//aixm:location/aixm:ElevatedPoint/aixm:horizontalAccuracy In AIXM 5.1.1 for both the Navaid and the specialised classes of NavaidEquipment a position may be encoded.
Elevation567ElevationThe elevation of the transmitting antenna of DME \nThe elevation of GBAS reference pointDME has / DME/P / GBAS Ref PointDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 4.1.6; AIP AD 2.19.6; Annex 4 5.5.5; Annex 11 App 5 Table 2; Annex 14 App 5 Table A5-2; Annex 10 Vol 1 Ch 3 App B | //aixm:DME//aixm:location/aixm:ElevatedPoint//aixm:verticalAccuracy | //aixm:DME//aixm:location/aixm:ElevatedPoint//aixm:verticalDatum In AIXM for both the Navaid and the specialised classes of NavaidEquipment an Elevation may be encoded. PANS-AIM AD 2.19 requires an Elevation for DME but also GBAS: The data type for Navaid/type does not provide a dedicated value for GBAS. OTHER:GBAS Ref Point may be used for encoding. there is also no specialised class of NavaidEquipment for GBAS or GBAS reference point as mentioned in the PANS-AIM.
Ellipsoidal height568HeightThe ellipsoid height of the GBAS reference point,GBASDoc 10066 App 2 AIP AD 2.19.6 TBD See Remarks for Elevation for GBAS above AIXM 5.1.1 does not proivde a dedicated attribute for Ellipsoidal height.
Localizer alignmentType585TextType of localizer alligment, true or magneticILS LocalizerDoc 10066 App 2 AIP AD 2.19.8; AIXM 5.1.1; Annex 4 5.5.5 above
Bearing584BearingThe localizer course ILS LocalizerDoc 10066 App 2 AIP AD 2.19.8; AIXM 5.1.1; Annex 4 5.5.5; Annex 14 App 5 Table A5-4//aixm:Localizer//aixm:magneticBearing | //aixm:Localize//aixm:.magneticBearingAccuracy | //aixm:Localizer//aixm:trueBearing | //aixm:Localizer//aixm:trueBearingAccuracy In PANS-AIM chapter, magnetic/true bearing is used.
Zero azimuth alignment570BearingMLS zero azimuth alignmentMLSAnnex 14 App 5 Table A5-4
Angle571AngleThe angle of the glide path of an ILS or the normal glide path angle for the MLS installationILS GP /MLSDoc 10066 App 2 AIP AD 2.19.8; AIXM 5.1.1; Annex 4 5.5.5
RDH572ValueThe value of the ILS Reference Datum Height (ILS RDH).ILS GPDoc 10066 App 2 AIP AD 2.19.8; AIXM 5.1.1; Annex 4 5.5.5; Annex 11 App 5 Table 2
Localizer antenna rwy end distance573DistanceILS localizer runway/FATO end distanceILS LocalizerAnnex 14 2.5.1 j)
ILS glideslope antenna TRSH distance574DistanceILS glideslope antenna - threshold distance along centerlineILS GPAnnex 14 2.5.1 j)
ILS marker TRSH distance575DistanceILS marker - threshold distanceILS Annex 14 2.5.1 j)
ILS DME antenna TRSH distance576DistanceILS DME antenna - threshold distance along centerlineILSAnnex 14 2.5.1 j)
MLS azimuth antenna rwy end distance577DistanceMLS azimuth antenna - runway/FATO end distanceMLSAnnex 14 2.5.1 j)
MLS elevation antenna TRHS distance578DistanceMLS elevation antenna - threshold distance along centre lineMLSAnnex 14 2.5.1 j)
MLS DME antenna TRHS distance579DistanceMLS DME/P antenna - threshold distance along centre lineMLSAnnex 14 2.5.1 j)
Signal polarization580Code listGBAS signal polarization (GBAS/H or GBAS/E)GBASAnnex 10 Vol I, Att. D, 7.1.10
DOC581TextDesignated operational coverage (DOC or stadard service volume SSV) as range r service volume radius from the navaid / GBAS reference point, height and sectors if requiredDoc 10066 App 2 AIP AD 2.19.7//aixm:RadioFrequencyArea//aixm:navaidEquipment OR //aixm:Navaid//aixm:annotation //aixm:NavaidEquipment//aixm:annotation The DOC may be coded in detailes using the RadioFrequencyArea feature and ist properties or simple as an annotation to the specialised NavaidEquipment concerned.
ILS facility classification1359Code listA classification based on the functional and performance capabilities of an ILSILSDoc 10066 App 2 AIP AD 2.19.1
GBAS facility classification1360Code listA classification based on the functional and performance capabilities of the GBAS ground subsystemGBASDoc 10066 App 2 AIP AD 2.19.1
GBAS approach facility designation1361Code listA classification based on the GBAS service volume and performance requirements for each supported approachGBASDoc 10066 App 2 AIP AD 2.19.1
GNSSName587TextThe name of the GNSS element (GPS, GBAS, GLONASS, EGNOS, MSAS, WAAS, etc.) Doc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 4.3.1; Annex 4
Frequency588ValueFrequency of the GNSSas appropriateDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 4.3.1; Annex 4
Service area589PolygonGeographical location of the GNSS service areaDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 4.3.3
Coverage area590PolygonGeographical location of the GNSS coverage areaDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 4.3.3
Operating authority591TextName of the operating authority of the facilityDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 4.3.4
Aeronautical ground lightsType594TextType of beaconDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 4.5.2//aixm:AeronauticalGroundLight//aixm:type
Designator595TextThe code assigned to uniquely identify to the beaconDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 4.5.1; Annex 4 AIXM 5.1.1 does not provide a dedicated attribute for the designator of an aeronautical ground light, but just a name attribute.
Name596TextThe name of the city or town or other identification of the beacon Doc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 4.5.1; Annex 4 As this is an or combination of properties, the name attribute may be used to encode the identification/designator.
Intensity597ValueIntensity of the light of the beaconDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 4.5.2//aixm:AeronauticalGroundLight//aixm:annotation AIXM 5.1.1 does not provide a dedicated attribute for the intensity of an aeronautical ground light.
Characteristics598TextInformation about the characteristics of beaconDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 4.5.3; Annex 4, //aixm:AeronauticalGroundLight//aixm:flashing, //aixm:AeronauticalGroundLight//aixm:annotation
Hours of operations599ScheduleThe hours of operation of the beaconDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 4.5.4 //aixm:AeronauticalGroundLight//aixm:annotation AIXM 5.1.1 does not provide an association of the AeronauticalGroundLight to the PropertiesWithSchedule class.
Position600PointGeographical location of the beaconDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 4.5.1; Annex 4
Marine lights 601PointGeographical location of the beaconAnnex 4 16.9.7
Visibility range602DistanceThe visibility range of the beaconAnnex 4 16.9.7
Characteristics603TextInformation about the characteristics of the beaconAnnex 4 16.9.7
Special navigation systemType605TextType of service available (master signal, slave signal, colour);Doc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 4.2.2//aixm:SpatialNavigationSystem//aixm:type | //aixm:SpatialNavigationStation//aixm:type
Designator606TextThe code assigned to uniquely identify to the special navigation systemDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 4.2.1//aixm:SpatialNavigationSystem//aixm:designator
Name607TextThe textual name assigned to the special navigation systemDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 4.2.1//aixm:SpatialNavigationSystem//aixm:type | //aixm:SpatialNavigationStation//aixm:type
Frequency608ValueFrequency (channel number, basic pulse rate, recurrence rate, as applicable) of the special navigation systemDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 4.2.3//aixm:SpatialNavigationStation//aixm:frequency
Hours of operations609ScheduleThe hours of operation of the special navigation systemDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 4.2.4//aixm:SpatialNavigationStation//aixm:availability
Position610PointGeographical location of the transmitting stationDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 4.2.5; Annex 11 App 5 Table 1//aixm:SpatialNavigationStation//aixm:position
Operating authority611TextName of the operating authority of the facilityDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 4.2.6//aixm:SpatialNavigationSystem//aixm:responsibleOrganisation | //aixm:SpatialNavigationStation//aixm:responsibleOrganisation
Facility coverage612TextDescription of special navigation system facility coverageDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 4.2.6//aixm:RadioFrequencyArea//aixm:EquipmentChoice//aixm:specialNavigationStation
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